Whether it's time to change your field of pharmacy,
add some significant income to your present salary or simply see what options are available to you, we are here to help. We
have transitioned countless Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. New positions, re-entry to the workforce, part-time, full-time,
we have it. From Industry to Hospital, Retail, Long-term care and opportunities you might not realize exist. Call us, ask
your questions. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Call us for an application: 800-446-1357
(inside CT) 860-928-0023 (outside CT)
Fax us your resume: 860-928-1720
e-mail us at: paulakaspar@pharmacypersonnel.com
mail your resume to: Professional Pharmacy Personnel, Inc. P.O. Box 950 Putnam, CT 06260